Best Solutions

last modified: January 23, 2008

Probably the most elusive concept in SoftwareIndustry

That's because the term is silly, and entirely context-free. The use of the term on its own fails to address two specific unknowns:

1) "Best" by what measure? On what scale? According to whom?

2) "Solutions" to what problem?

The Context-Driven School of software testing ( eschews the notion of BestSolutions or BestPractices; these terms are simply meaningless, an attempt by people with various axes to grind to pretend that they have the One True Way to do things. Yet companies are diverse; the tasks that they undertake are diverse; the people that make up companies are diverse; the products that they produce are diverse. Practices can be more or less appropriate in a given context, but without knowing the context, no practice can be considered "best".

MichaelBolton 2004-02-26

In essence, patterns are the result of BestSolutions. They are descriptions of methods and structures which have been found successful in addressing certain specific tasks, stated in terms abstract enough to be of GeneralUse:

Alexander writes:

Related: CategoryPattern

