Battling Archetypes

last modified: October 12, 2010

You are not a character in a Greek tragedy. Not even if you live in Athens and your cat just died.

The customer is not your Nemesis, no matter how romantic it makes your job feel to think that way.

When you screw up, that's not your heroic TragicFlaw making you a more interesting person.

Well, maybe not.

But does it matter? If I wish to believe in a world of mythic import, as championed by JosephCampell, and it gives me some form of solace during rough times, what does it hurt?

Belief systems help us rationalize a world that couldn't care less whether we are here or not. If someone chooses to believe, "I am the hero of my own personal drama!" and no-one gets hurt, lucky them.

-- JoeYoung
