Bad Linux Advocacy

last modified: March 15, 2010

moved here from LinuxPerceptionProblems

Bad FooOS Advocacy

The things that annoy me the most about FooOS, for some value of FooOS::

That's bad FooOS advocacy. In particular, for this page, there's BadLinuxAdvocacy. Interestingly, because Windows is the dominant player, there is very little bad Windows advocacy (although it exists), but an awful lot of bad Windows FearUncertaintyDoubt. My head spins.

The choice of an operating system is not a crime of conscience. -- SunirShah

I once suggested that a Linux distro try to make some aspects of itself like Windows to make it more familiar to newbies. Windows is the de-facto standard for good or bad. Sure, there are security reason not to copy some aspects of Windows, but for others it's merely a stylistic difference. But, I was quickly shouted down by Linux proponents. --AnonymousDonor

There have been attempts to make Linux a lot like Windows. Lindows is a good example. However, that does suffer a major hindrance: one cannot run much of that Windows software on Linux, and it is software that in the past been the primary inertial element tying users to Windows. (This is changing over time due to increasing prevalence of WebApplications. PC games are still a big motivator against change, though.)

Proposed solution: Stop reading SlashDot.

CategoryUnix CategoryLinux
