Bad Architects ...
- have huge Egos.
- That is not inherently a problem (but it becomes a huge problem if they are incompetent)
- know what is best for you.
- If he/she really knows what is best for you, then he/she is a GoodArchitect
- Spend more time telling you what they know than listening to what you need.
- Okey, I agree, BadArchitectsDoNotListen
- have all the answers in their heads.
- If they really have all the answers in their heads, they are not GoodArchitects, they are PerfectArchitects! (And I do not think those exist)
This list is completely ridiculous. Let's see some rationale. - anon
- Prefer elegance to practicability.
See FrankLloydWright. This raises the question; "Which type of Architect produces the best architecture?" in either software or buildings. History of both fields suggests that BadArchitects are in the lead. -- ThirdWaveDave
See also: GoodArchitect FrankLloydWrong