Like automatically, except that it doesn't have to be set up, never fails, and generally works well.
And it often does these things in some odd, often obscure way that isn't necessarily apparent the first time.
create, recreate, recreation, creation, create, and so on....
Usage of 'AutoMagically' indicates that the person does not, in fact, know how it works...
- That's simply not true. I use it when I do know how things work, but also know that the people to whom I'm speaking really don't care, and don't want to be told.
AutoMagical systems tend to AutoMagically fail too.
- You got that right.
This conflation (auto and magical) is irritatingly overused on the web. See [[AOL Leetspeak]]
We have forgotten how things usually work. They work auto-magically. Else what all can you plan in this world. Our management gurus would never leave anything to chance.