Ass Backwards

last modified: July 26, 2013

Ass Backwards is when something seems to be done naively backwards. The Ass in AssBackwards symbolizes the naive sector, and the Backwards symbolizes the stupidity sector.

An example would be putting socks on your head while putting a shirt on your legs, and actually agreeing that this might work as a long term solution.

Another example is using HTML or RTF, both rich document mark up languages, as the basis to develop a text editor, spreadsheet, email client, or online service center (banking, shopping carts).

Another example would be building the second story of a house before the first story, and then moving on to the basement last.

Another example would be engineering an automobile that has 5 reverse gears and one forward gear. The bumper may also be located on the roof to protect crashes from upward direction. We have a picture for you, but our camera won't upload it since the cable was sending the bits backwards.
