Pointed to from SimplifyTheRequirements.
From any two-year-old's repetoire of annoying behavior:
Ask "Why?" To the response ask "Why?" Continue until smacked.
This technique is useful in:
- Simplifying requirements and dealing with LeadingRequests
- Turning attributes into real responsibilities on CrcCards
I used to get caught in the why-cycle with my children until I chose to interpret the question as "tell me more about that". For each "Why?" I would offer a different observation without straying too far from the original point. Each response would elicit another "Why?" until I finally hit on the desired information and got a simple "Oh" in place of why.
Asking "Why store that?" remains a great way to transform attributes into requirements. -- WardCunningham
But some times, the Customer doesn't believe you need to AskWhy (OnlySayThingsThatCanBeHeard) and in those cases, it can be really difficult to find a way to ask why without asking why.