Artware Soft

last modified: November 9, 2004

From the company website...

One of the major challenges in software development is bridging the communication gap between developers and business professionals. The necessity of effective communication becomes crucial in an ever evolving business world.

Founded by ShaiBenYehuda 2004, ArtwareSoft ( offers innovative software development approach called TGP (Type, Generic class, Profile) TgpMethodology. TGP claims that BusinessProfessionals should be an integral part of the development process, both in shaping the system architecture and by configuration of the business specifics. ArtwareSoft provide the technological platform and 10 years experience in leading such processes, see TgpBackground.

Note: the company website's main page seems to be still in development, and does not display properly under NetscapeNavigator or MicrosoftInternetExplorer. With both, one gets a "This is a JavaScript Alert" message, and MSIE crashed, taking the PC with it. A reboot was needed.

Thanks. "This is a JavaScript Alert" message bug is fixed. The JavaScript should adapt the site to the browser resolution... -- OriInbar

Looks pretty poor under KonquerorBrowser too. And appallingly useless on MozillaBrowser with JavaScript off. Scrambled badly in MozillaFirefox on MacOsx, and also got the JavaScript Alert. No crash though.

