Artifact Descriptor

last modified: August 27, 2014

In KeepingTrackByArtifactories, it is desired that Artifacts be Named. -- ThinkingOutLoud DonaldNoyes 20110626

One of the characteristics of of a name in ArtifactOrientedProgramming is that it has a MeaningfulName within a SystemOfNames.

One of its key characteristics is that it be an extension of WikiWords. With some existing as CompoundWikiWords. It may be that the artifact in question be locatable and reachable in which case it might be constructed using WhatWhereHowNaming. In an ArtifactDescriptor, one may discover within it a name, a location or locale, as well as necessary processes or methods.

One should strive to make the name as simple and clear as possible. It should be LongButNotTooLong. In may be longer than a simple WikiWord, but should certainly be shorter than a single line sentence. A rule of thumb might be imposed so that it is no longer that xx number of characters in length and that it only include within it characters recognizable by the operating system as belongin in a file names.

In some cases, the name may include location information as to what computer on a particular drive, it is to be found, expressed as Artifact Name, by use of an extension recognized by the system or a program within the system as a name.


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