Not sure if there are some other patterns that are similar on this wiki already, but ArguingForTheSakeOfArguing is when one makes an argument just for the sake of arguing. There is almost no reason to argue, and yet the person engages in arguing because they want to argue.
Some DevilsAdvocates will argue for the sake of arguing, to spur on heated debates.
Some "arguments for the sake of argument" might even lead to ViolentAgreement.
Compare with UnintentionalArgument. This may happen if you just talk about something (ThinkingOutLoud) and someone misunderstand this as a critique of something. Before you notice you might be drawn into a heated discussion finding yourself in the position of the DevilsAdvocate or SaintsAdvocate even though you don't really want to place or see yourself there. But by someone arguing X and BifurcationFallacy you unintentionally argue for not X.