Arguing By Disparagement

last modified: October 13, 2014

ArguingByDisparagement is like this. Someone who is asserting something is challenged about the evidence for that assertion. Instead of replying they attack the person as incompetent, mentally challenged, unable to empathize, and eventually AspergersSyndrome while ignoring all statements which express a balanced opinion which does not accept their position entirely.

The next resort is often DisagreeByDeleting.

There is an extreme example of this on DotDotDot. In this case, the tormentor has remained anonymous and the page name was started because of the use of ... in place of a signature.

Some believe that being disparaging is a way to coerce by pressure and/or punish the alleged bad behavior. See CriticizeBluntly. In my opinion it usually doesn't work. When I disparage, it's usually catharsis, venting frustration.

