This is one of my Artifactories - where NotInventedHere Technology is employed to keep some of my old, AntiqueArtifacts'* DoingStuff.DonaldNoyes.20140926*
When I have something I want to keep that consists not only of text, but also having images, links, videos, audios and the like, not necessarily of my own composition, I use OneNote (MicrosoftTechnology) to record not only the artifact itself, but also the FromWhere information.
It is another of the strategies utilized while RunningSixYearsBehind
It also allows editing so all that is not UsefulUsableUsed can be removed or put elsewhere. Additional stuff which is related can also be added at my leisure. ( A NotBuiltInOneDay strategy )
Another OrganizationalTechnique within OneNote is the ability to create Notebooks with many Sections and sub-Sections in which StuffThatIsAlike may be accumulated for future reference.
--- How to Archive a page - in the browser window:
- Simply open a new page in OneNote in the Notebook and Section desired
- do a Select All on the wiki page ( or other page in the browser )
- then drag and drop the selection to the opened new page in OneNote
- it need not be the whole page, often only a part of the page is desirable for archive.
- The nice thing about this is that most often images, links and other non-textual-stuff is carried into OneNote
- OneNote also puts a ComeFrom note at the end of the pasted stuff as to where the extraction exists in a Reachable Document
- OneNote
- TheBrain
- particularly if CloudStorage and SychronizingOfDevices is desired
- WhatDoYouMeanByOld
- ConnectedText (which is what I use for things like this -- JohnFletcher)