Archi Cad

last modified: January 2, 2005

Object Oriented Architectural CAD/CAM programme based on creating 3-D 'Virtual Building'. Archicad has been around at least 18 years. But is presently (release 6.5) doing great guns in the Construction world.

Architects drawings are made by taking sections, views, plans etc from the 3-D model building. This contrasts with historic AutoCad approach which is more like automated drawing board...but times are a changing.

Any of you OO or XP guys (or gals) out there been connected with ArchiCad?

-- MartinNoutch

ArchiCAD is developed by the Hungarian company Graphisoft. They are currently working on version 8 of the software.

I work for Graphisoft UK, porting Building Services Engineering calculations from the Cymap CADLink product, to work within ArchiCAD. Most of it is quite old VB code, and we're doing basic refactorings to turn it into OO COM code.

-- Iain Buckingham

That was 2002, v8 was released (I think), and I've left the company. -- IB Dec 2003

There is a new [ CAD software history] online at the CADAZZ site and any comments and corrections wil be appreciated.

