Application Development

last modified: June 1, 2004

How come there isn't a page called this? Isn't this what 90% of programmers do?!

Possibly because it's too generic a term?

I was thinking of application development, as opposed to software development. I just came from a contract at a bank where the application developers outnumbered the software developers by a significant margin - wouldn't this be true for most companies outside the IT industry?

What distinction was made between "application developers" and "software developers" at that bank?

Exactly Maybe you should define application development to avoid a LaynesLaw debate over this

ApplicationDevelopment creates software in some domain for use by end users; examples include business domain apps such as accounting software, business suite software (word processors, spreadsheets, etc). Some specialized sub-domains:

It is usually distinguished from systems programming, scientific programming and numerical analysis, embedded programming, etc.

Isn't ApplicationDevelopment a subset of SoftwareDevelopment though?

ApplicationDevelopment leads to software, often customized for a particular company, with large numbers of end-users. It does not include ProductDevelopment, which generates a ShrinkWrapped software product. ChryslerComprehensiveCompensation (aka C3, CCC) is a good example

Again, this is an arbitrary distinction. What happens when the software developed for in-house use is sold as a commercial off-the-shelf product? Do the application developers turn into product developers overnight? I think you're making up these definitions. I've never heard them used, and I've developed shrink-wrapped products, in-house products and system software. -- EricHodges

I concur, word for word, except that I grant that there can be oddball terminology used in certain odd corners of the world. If this usage is standard in some such place, though, it is extremely ill-advised, and should be changed to avoid confusion. -- DougMerritt

