Anti Matter

last modified: April 22, 2004

Antimatter is matter composed of anti-particles such as positrons for electrons, anti-protons for protons, anti-neutrons for neutrons, etc. Physicists think equal amounts of matter and anti-matter were created during the BigBang but SymmetryBreaking resulted in what we call matter predominating. However anti-matter is observed in ParticleCollider experiments and small quantities are made at CERN. When matter interacts with anti-matter energy is created according to E=MC^2 and potentially could be used for high power propulsion in spacecraft. It has been said several ounces could propel a manned ship to Mars in a few weeks. However to make a few ounces currently costs in the order of Trillions of dollars (more than the annual GDP of most countries). Manufacturing in large quantities also is dangerous as an accident could take out large cities or continents. Could be made by robots on multiple asteroids where obliteration of one facility would provide a safe distance for production and redundancy. For storage and transportation MagneticBottle have been designed. While vastly more powerful than current chemical or even ion or laser rockets it is still not as fast as WarpDrive.

According to QuantumPhysics, AntiMatter is just ordinary matter moving backwards through time.

This contains a fascinating mix of accurate (though simplistic) ParticlePhysics knowledge, interesting speculation, and just plain-old ScienceFiction horse-manure.

Should we ReFactor this, or just delete it?

That was my reaction, too. I'd like to see a refactoring, but I'm not sure what the hook would be (a starting justification).
