I am a Canadian software developer/consultant currently residing in the greater Toronto area (Ontario). As a software development professional, I don't categorize myself as a HighlyPaidConsultant or ConsultantsDontCode. I've held a number of IT positions of progressively increasing responsibility, and in recent years, my career spanned such positions as programmer/analyst, engineering team lead, and technical manager.
My technical specializations are: C (expert/demi-god), C++, Java, Visual Basic, data communications (wireless/mobile and wireline), multithreading and IPC, and database technologies. My (Wiki) interests include: DesignPatterns, AntiPatterns, WritesCompilersAsaHobby, LeaderShip (e.g., LeadByExample), and management (e.g., ManagementByWalkingAround). I use, support, and contribute to OpenSource software. I have an active interest in the stock market (i.e., one of those BuyLowSellHigh traders) and a passive interest in the law (e.g., NonCompeteClause).
My personal web ring:
- http://www.vipsofttech.com - VIP Software Technologies Inc.
- http://www.advogato.org/person/robocoder/ - open source blog
- http://www.robocoder.ca/ - my alter-ego/secret-identify
- http://www.softwaredevelopment.ca/ - software development portal
Other Wikis that I use: