Highly Paid Consultant

last modified: May 13, 2011

A fully biased description of how to MakeMoneyFast:

Become a Consultant

And then act as follows:

This will make you at least enough money to finance your private pilot license and a small Cessna.

Note: This is based on experience with a few specific consultants during one previous employment and not a general description of consultancy. If it were, I'd happily go for the job :-)

Second to last point reminds me of the joke StudiedUnderTheGreatLiszt. -- AlistairCockburn

Parallel: CapedConsultant, GuruDoesAll, CultOfPersonality

Contrast: ScapeGoat, PeaceMaker, DoorMat, LongPoleInTheTent, JustaProgrammer

See: SecretsOfConsulting, ConsultantWisdom, ConsultantsDontCode

CategoryRant, CategoryConsulting
