I have been a major lurker on the Wiki. I am currently working at http://Guidestar.org, the nations biggest archive if nonprofit financial data. We are using an SCRUM and XP. I really like how it interfaces with XP practices. The best part is that the rest of the company is starting to pick up on the idea of integrating with our sprints. Listening to the sales guys talk about whether or not their best project will get moved from the backlog to the next sprint is pure bliss.
Notes to self:
- SellingXp
- CrossingTheXpChasm
- WikiPagesAboutTransitioningToExtremeProgramming (refactored to CategoryAdoptingXp)
- AdoptingXpPatternLanguage
- ExtremeProgrammingForOne
- HowYouWentExtreme
- XpMailingList
- XpFaq
- http://c2.com/doc/crc/draw.html
- JavaUnit
- CritiqueOfXp
- AnalysisParalysis
- ExtremeHour
- WhenXpIsUnpopular