Patterns for groups TransitioningToExtremeProgramming. You've bought into the concept of ExtremeProgramming. You know what all the main practices are (if not, go to ExtremeProgrammingCorePractices), but you're having trouble getting your organization to adopt certain of the practices, or you're just not sure where to start in the first place. This page is for you.
This page lists patterns and ProtoPatterns for AdoptingXp. It does not list patterns for adopting practices that are AlmostExtremeProgramming, although these may or may not be worthwhile practices (e.g. CustomerShadowing).
Click the title for pages in the AdoptingXpPatternLanguage.
Note: Items marked below with an asterisk (*) are ProtoPatterns (currently most are, but hopefully this will improve soon). Promote a ProtoPattern to a Pattern when it has been shown to have been UsedThreeTimes.
How do we ...
Begin (and where)?
- DontCallItExtreme *
- IdentifyTheWorstProblem *
- FirstCreateTheMailbox *
- AdoptUnitTestsFirst *
- EstablishYourCredibility *
- ExtremeHour/ExtremeHourPattern *
Adopt acceptance testing?
Adopt simple design?
Adopt SustainablePace (FortyHourWeek)?
Or, how to go about ExtremeProgrammingInEnemyTerritory.
From the XpMailingList poll "What are the top 3 practices you find difficult to put in practice at your work place? (Please, check only 3. Thanks!)":
On-Site Customer 56 20.44% ********************
Pair Programming 45 16.42% ****************
Planning Game 32 11.68% ************
Metaphor 31 11.31% ***********
Testing 23 8.39% ********
40-Hour Week 18 6.57% *******
Collective Ownership 17 6.20% ******
Continuous Integration 15 5.47% *****
Simple Design 15 5.47% *****
Refactoring 12 4.38% ****
Coding Standards 5 1.82% **
Small Releases 5 1.82% **
(There's some discussion at Does anyone have a reference for the original discussion when the poll was announced. It's _hard_ searching 70,000 messages!)
See AdoptingXpPatternLanguageDiscussion
CategoryPatternLanguage | CategoryExtremeProgramming | CategoryAdoptingXp