AndyGavin is practicing ExtremeProgramming at LogicaCmg. Working on producing the next generation of MobileBilling.
At LogicaCmg we are working with ExoftWare to help implement Xp.
Studied Computing for RealTime Systems at The University of the WestOfEngland (in Bristol,UK).
I'm interested in (not an expert on):
- Darwinism, GameTheory and Memetics.
- Linguistics, particularly how language shapes societies (LinguisticRelativity for instance)
- NaturalLanguageProcessing
- CodeGeneration, GenerativeProgramming (there might be a relationship to the Linguistics here)
- What makes a good and bad language.
- KnowledgeManagement and representation.
From an ExtremeProgramming point of view:
- ConfigurationManagement
- GroupDynamics: agreeing in a pair is different from a group.
Some links:
I'd like to Ski and Sail more. I'm AntiAnt, although it's extendable I think the rational for it's some of its design is suspect.