Aname Is Justa Name

last modified: March 10, 2012

Not sure if there are any other pages on wiki that describe this pattern..

Names aren't the most important thing in the world.

What's his name?


Bob doesn't like the name "John".

So what? It's just a name! GetOverIt.

John may be a valuable resource of information or a very special person despite his name. AnameIsJustaName.

Another thing I've noticed is that haters of OOP get mad just because it's called OOP. Anything that is labelled OOP is hated because it's OOP. Even if OOP has technical merits, a hater of OOP will hate anything OOP because of the OOP name/term. Often I see people reinventing OOP in procedural code and then the procedural purist thinks he's not doing OOP because he is using regular procedures and structs. But OOP is just a name. So the procedural person is not liking the OOP name/terminology, but little does he realize he likes some of the technical merits of OOP even though he hates the name. Or there are people who hate anything to do with relational databases and they end up reinventing a database in their program. Often it is just the relational word or name that bothers them, so they think they are avoiding relational, but actually they are reinventing it. I've seen perl programmers who hate databases just because they dislike databases.. because of the database name or relational name. Then they go and reinvent the database inside their program with an associative array or hash.. creating a mini database, but since they hate the term database, they don't call it a database and avoid databases like the plague, because "database" or "relation" bothers them. It's like their brain is tainted on names.
