Some people on this wiki don't like nanny state or anal programming techniques... They prefer if things were more permissive and flexible and less rigid (Libertarian Free Market Programming, Deregulated.. LaughOutLoud).
A boolean is either TRUE or FALSE. A boolean is very anal. Without booleans, where would we be?
The boolean could be seen as a bucket that can only contain either TRUE or FALSE.
If the bucket is not anal about what it can contain, then it is no good - i.e. if it allows "truu" and "fall" then it is not being anal, it is being permissive and flexible.
The anal bucket analogy might break down and may not be very good because a bucket can contain many things, whereas when I say Anal Bucket I mean a restrictive bucket with anal constraints. It's also funny because an anal bucket could be something you poo and crap into.
Anal bucket might be part of AlternativeTypeDefinitions since types are anal buckets. Types could be seen as buckets that allow certain things inside them.. i.e. a class is a bucket containing a thing or things, as is a struct. Enforcing the bucket and what it can contain is the anal part of it.
Beware that analogies often fail and break down, and sometimes analogies are partly meant for CategoryHumor. AnalBucket also contains a BadWord and may be ShutDown by the BadWord police.
This rant is too vague to be useful. I recommend the "anal level" be adjusted based on the domain needs (PickTheRightToolForTheJob, PickTheRightFoolForTheJob). Medical and space life software obviously needs tender-loving-care and tools that check and double check rules and assumptions. However, these features also slow productivity such that productivity-intensive domains may be hurt by them. --top
This bucket only contains barf, just like an Integer is a bucket that can only contain one kind of number. If you try to put an alphabetic string into the integer bucket then it will be rejected because the bucket is a nanny state (or anal) bucket. Remember, Top, that you were the one that started the whole anal/nanny state name calling - now I'm using your name calling to describe why sometimes being nanny state or anal is a great thing - anything that is a constraint or restriction is "anal" to you, and it is an insult to our intelligence.
Well.....okay.....but, try to keep it relevant to software work.