AmygdalasMicrocode refers to the fact that the fight-or-flight response is pre-rational, and to overcome this kneejerk-response mechanism (evolved in a previous era for survival) EnlightenedMen must endeavor to reprogram their own brain at the lowest level.
From the factory the code seems to be roughly
(flash (stimulus) (bewilderment (panic (error (return 1)))))
and the improved version approximately:
(flash (stimulus) (bewilderment (wait 5 seconds (return 0))))
This is not to be undertaken without a DeepMythos in place, as a feedback loop (insanity) is the most likely result. -- PaulTaney Any empirical evidence for this conclusion?
Yes, actually. Evidence sufficient to me, YMMV: I've gone quite mad on a couple of occasions by confusing pre- and post-rationality, near as I can give an account here.
What proof can I offer you, Sir??
Read KenWilber, CarlJung, JosephCampbell or especially the Vidyadhara ChogyamTrungpaRinpoche.
Also, in discussing protected Tibetan teachings on the web it was incumbent on me to issue that warning.
According to KenWilber, EnlightenedMen can abandon (or transcend and include) mythology but keep it for the benefit of others.''
Why not simply learn that the response is an instinctual one, and step away from it, instead of this mystical talk of "reprogramming the brain"?
OmOmOm... Easier said than done Om for us neurotics! OmOmOm... -- PaulTaney
The mystical talk helps in the reprogramming :-) I see...the better to fleece you with, my dear
Actually, the real issue is that the behavior change in question has to work on both the rational and non-rational parts of the mind. Certain aspects of it cannot be approached analytically. See EricRaymond's "Dancing with the Gods" ( or RobertAntonWilson's Prometheus Rising for more details, or consult your PinealGland. -- JayOsako
DeleteMe if Questions are handled
How can this work?
Suppose for an instant that It was
suddenly adopted and practiced by such "EnlightenedMen" EM.
Also assume that kneejerk response mechanism
disappeared from this group.
Further that they also discover
a place or state of
isolation and safety.
Wouldn't it also be likely that they would be
protected by some other mechanism,
(geography, physical structure, or technologically developed defense mechanism)?
Let us further suppose that their isolation is such that
the unenlightened ones UEO,
do not know of their existence,
or that if they do,
they do not care about what
the EM are doing in their isolated environment.
A question is, could such a status quo continue to exist?
And would the EM stay in their own zone,
or would they seek to convert the UEO.
What would happen if in the process they
encountered resistance that changed into hostility and a
sort of class warfare between the EM and the UEO.
Not to mention the possibility of logistic and population pressures
encountered in either zone
creating interface destabilization.
(Just some questions)
Real Live Bleeding Fingers & Broken Guitar Strings -- LucindaWilliams handles most of your questions.
I am afraid that the distinction would create an uncomfortable society unless all men became enlightened.
(likelihood -> 0) The alternatives to make it so are also to horrible to consider. Perhaps we should allow enlightenment to grow on its own -- in a well informed and free society.
Was that a poem above? No -- It was a series of questions using a new structural form called strings.
- There is a hole in your bucket. Take a leak...
Did you mean strings or is strigs a new word?
I can answer two of your questions I think:
She returns from isolation, according to her constitution, for the benefit of others. No such schism could possibly evolve. And she doesn't want to convert anybody to her Way. That's futile. Rather she helps the UEO along their own paths.
While all things are stirring together
I only contemplate the return [stmt].
Flourishing as they do,
Each will return to root. -- Lao Tzu