Almost True

last modified: November 23, 2005

Most effective deceits are AlmostTrue. Is Mostly True TrueEnough? Or is it a spin similar to slightly pregnant?

from WinstonChurchill:

"In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies"

MarkTwain has offered good argument about the need to be vigilant about the distinction between things that are AlmostTrue, from what is true.

LiesMyFatherTellsMe. I got no part in it

See EmotionalIgnorance article at

'Work in progress page started by MicrosoftSlave for CategoryBigPicture- links to modern day antipattern behavior and hopefully later on some good alternatives -- dl

Please TolerateOffTopic

WinstonChurchill on truth

quotes On Truth selected from

Wiki on True, Lies, Honesty, etc

UsefulLie, DoNotLie, LieToYourManager, HowToLieWithStatistics, TrueLove, LiesMyTeacherToldMe, BeliefCreatesReality, BeliefsCreateReality, SomeNumbersAreLies, TellingLiesForFunAndProfit, TheTruthLiesInBetween, TruthAndBeautyDoesntPayTheBills, TriedAndTrue, TooTrueToBeFunny, TheSearchForTruthIsFutile, TellTheTruthButTellItSlant, SearchForTruth, PersonalTruth, NoTrueScotsman, IfItsNotInWritingItsNotTrue, HonestyException, CompletelyHonest, IntellectualHonesty, WhatItellYouThreeTimesIsTrue

Add more when you find them, and make these into one big paragraph

e.g. A TrueLove once said to me, DoNotLie unless it is a UsefulLie, TellTheTruthButTellItSlant, .....

Anyone before said something similar?

Not sure if it is correct, but let me put this hypothesis out:

 Happiness is knowing you have told yourself the painful truth   -- 2004 Wiki contribution

Opposition Viewpoint: "Don't Worry, Be Happy"

Who wants to be around someone who is always preaching "the painful truth." The reality is most of these statements are more painful than truthful. There is nothing inherently beneficial about being negative.

No, there isn't, but nobody has much trouble accepting happy truth, so they're generally well-known. The problem is when people ignore the other half the picture. And I'm glad to be around people dedicated to truth.

This seems to be setting up a strawman of "people dedicated to falsehood". People are dedicated to the truth as they individually understand it. When discussing different views of the truth, the "painful" modifier is more appropriate to the presentation rather than the content. People can and will disagree about the truth, but inflicting pain does not increase the value of one's viewpoint and hinders its consideration. One can and should express his understanding of the truth, but there is no additional value in negativity. Truths are not inherently "happy" nor "painful"; these modifiers come from their presentation.

"True Enough" and the "Whole Truth"

"If you're going to investigate a proposition's truth value honestly you have to look at the counter-examples, the edge cases, the boundaries, the ambiguities. If you just look at the cases that support the proposition, then you're not dealing with truth at all but a "reasonably useful approximation" at best. To then claim that this reasonably useful approximation is an absolute truth is the height of intellectual dishonesty. And when you look at edge cases for the concept of "absolute truth", edge cases you'll never be familiar with without going into philosophy, then you find that the very notion of absolute truth is absolute crap as an absolute truth." -- copied from NoAbsoluteTruth at TheAdjunct

See BinaryMilestone, where ScottJohnson says "almost" is a synonym for "not".

Random quote: (No, I don't recall the author)

Beware of the person who feels compelled to be "BrutallyHonest;" there is honesty and there is brutality, and they are seldom the same.

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