Alef Language

last modified: August 22, 2004

Citing the DictionaryOfProgrammingLanguages:

Alef is a compiled concurrent ProgrammingLanguage similar in appearance to C [CeeLanguage], designed for network application development under the Plan 9 operating system (see PlanNineFromBellLabs). Data types supported by Alef include various sizes of integers, reals, chars, string, tuples, structures, unions, arrays, and channels. The language supports definition of abstract data types and parameterized (generic) ADTs and functions. Alef's control constructs include a comprehensive set of conditional, goto, and loop statements, as well as error handling and parallel task synchronization. Alef also features a unique explicit TailRecursion statement. Alef has been ported to a wide variety of hardware with the Plan 9 operating system, and also to SGI IRIX. The Alef language development system is available as part of the Plan 9 distribution. Sparse but well-written documentation is available on-line.

It was developed by PhilWinterbottom et al. at BellLabs.

Alef is not the same as Aleph [AlephLanguage].

