A programmer with high level of creativity.
If you want to create something really good, start disrespecting current idols.
A policy I wholeheartedly encourage. On a different note, Aleksey, it is encouraged around here to use one's full name for one's homepage; AlekseyPavlichenko. The reasons why are explained in RealNamesPlease.
Other tips on editing:
- don't ever create a link to the page itself (ie, here AlPav); it's ugly and completely useless.
- if you can at all avoid it, don't ever create a link in a bolded title; it's very ugly.
- don't ever create multiple links to the same page in the same paragraph, one maximum; it's very ugly and useless.
- don't boast so obviously, there are plenty of ways of taking credit (eg, by signing) while appearing humble. There's an infinite variety of ways to draw attention to oneself ranging from the crude to the sublime (I should know since I've used all of them) and blatant boasting is simply not effective.