Add The Authors Signature

last modified: June 4, 2005

A WikiRefactoring where an unsigned comment is appended with the "signature" of the author (or whoever is believed to be the author)--this includes adding DramaticIdentities or WikiBadges such as AnonymousDonor. This can be done for several reasons.

However, this is not always appreciated....

Proper addition of the author's signature consists of nothing else but that: adding two dashes, and the individuals name. Adding additional editorial comments, such as "in the opinion of SoAndSo" or "SoAndSo, in a moment of obvious drunkenness, scrawled the following rant" is likely to trigger a RudenessObjection.

For a counterpoint, see EgolessWiki. Also consider use of a ContributorsList rather than signing individual contributions.

What a bad idea. If I don't sign something, it's because I don't want it signed. Adding it would not be a courtesy!

