Once upon a time...
An Object Oriented Language with a syntax similar to Pascal and classes and environment similar to Smalltalk. Used to develop MicrosoftWindows applications, or at least sold for that, circa 1990.
Actor is not one of the ActorLanguages.
Actor (R) is a Win16 programming language developed by The Whitewater Group (R) in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Actor uses a combination of the Pascal and C syntax with the Smalltalk class library. Actor is very object-oriented, everything in Actor is an object. All classes in Actor descend from one root class, Object. Actor is interpreted and uses a garbage collector at runtime.
- http://home.bip.net/mikael_aronsson/index_ac.html for ReActorLanguage. ( 403 forbidden )
"This site was last updated November 26 2002"