Zcdsf File Format

last modified: November 7, 2014

See AlternativesToXml. ZCDSF is data serialization format, like XML, JSON, etc.

Advantages includes:


{ What? No Links? Google turns up nothing. Is this someone's pet project or are they messing with us? },

[Looks questionable to me, and the stuff Donald found below is (at best) glancingly related. I suggest it be deleted as there's no useful content.]

It isn't on Google. A link is to: http://zzo38computer.org/textfile/miscellaneous/zcdsf.txt

These lists may be biased so please add more advantages/disadvantages/questions/complaints into the list so that it can hopefully be made perfectly clear and completed.

[A grammar and some examples would be very helpful.]

---checked out - found the following DoingStuff.DonaldNoyes.20140619

Unfortunately I do not understand these things very well. That's OK, though.

