Ytwok Errors

last modified: September 29, 2014

Description of actual "production" problems that occurred due to the transition to the year 2000, or inability to handle year 2000 dates.

"Reflections," a Windows graphical FTP product writes "100" as the year to its log files. That is, each log file line starts with "01/07/100 " (previously "12/27/99").

Impact: Minor annoyance to people, should they look at the log files. (...which only happens when other problems cause the program to fail.)

Remediation: Currently ignoring the problem. If scripts automatically read and interpreted the log files, they would probably be patched. (Better yet, have the vendor fix the FTP program that produces the log file!)

Credit card charges on January 1st charged over & over... forever.

Medicare payments to hospitals halted.

Post office debit cards expired on December 31st; not renewed.

Disclaimer: First Data Merchant Systems claims that this is not a Y2K problem. Others differ.

DOD satellites off-line.

A summary of "other people's problems":

Although no major Y2K-related problems occurred worldwide resulting in major infrastructure outages or other big problems, many small glitches did result in some interesting stories. Several of these "bugs" from the United States and around the world that made headlines during the rollover weekend are summarized below:

In the United States:

In other countries:

Can anyone offer references to confirm the following nuclear reactor problems?

[Moved from RealProblemsWithYtwok]:

In other countries:

(evidently this was due (can't find the damned link) to having used an "almost correct" algorithm for counting days in the year -- y2k was a leap year although normally years evenly divisible by 400 are not)

Why does a thermostat know what day it is?

There are some nice computerized thermostats that (in the winter) turn down the heat when no one is (expected to be) home, then up the heat and start warming the house just before the first person is (expected to be) back from work. Since the leave-the-house and return-to-house times are typically *different* on the weekends than on regular weekdays, they work best when they are set to the correct time and correct day-of-week.

But I agree with the main point -- there's no reason for a thermostat to know what *year* it is.

I'm pretty sure that you need to know the year to be able to correctly tell when a day falls on a weekend or weekday due to leap years and other calendar oddities.

Not if you know what day it was 7 days ago. Maybe it knows public holidays as well?

When Thermostats become part of the InternetOfThings, such things might need to be known, particularly when the host and the Client must operate independently on occasion. See: IndependentOperationOptions

FixMe AttentionPlease

