Xbase Plus Plus

last modified: March 11, 2009

Xbase++ is a replacement and upgrade for ClipperLanguage 5.2 to a native 32-bit GUI environment.

http://www.alaska-software.com/products/xpp/xpp.shtm  (link fixed 08/12/2004)
http://www.alaska-software.com/  (site root)

For long-time Clipper, dBase, and FoxPro programmers, Xbase++ is quite possibly the way to continue using several years of accumulated skills and bodies of code in current OS environments.

By the way, co-founder, Steffen F. Pirsig, is not related to RobertPirsig that we know of.

By the way -- anyone out there have any mileage on this product?

No longer available:

I don't know whose catalog that is, but the product line is alive and well ...


Here's a recent notice:

2004-07-15  What to expect of Xbase++ V.1.9
The ADS-DBE Beta has been well received and most issues initially
reported have already been resolved. The 3rd. and final beta-drop 
is currently under development. With the forthcoming ActiveX 
support for Xbase++ we are somewhat behind our 
initial schedule. However, a first beta-drop will be out soon.
Besides improved ADS-DBE and ActiveX support, an array of improvements in
the realm of database technology has been added to the kernel of Xbase++.
Check out the latest improvements for
Xbase++  V.1.9!

Evidently still alive and kicking. The following is from their home page:

2005-06-14   Xbase++ 1.9 at final approach!

Currently Alaska Software is working on the final beta drop of Xbase++ 1.90.

Initially we envisaged for the Xbase++ 1.90 release merely new features, such as ActiveX and enhancements related to the database engines. However, as it turns out now version 1.90 of Xbase++ is truly going to be a milestone in its history!

"At the outset we planned to devote a total of 6 months to Xbase++ 1.90. Up until now, we have more than 10 months invested into the upcoming release", so Mr. Steffen F. Pirsig, Project Lead at Alaska Software. Furthermore he explains that " the code base is feature set complete since May 28th, hence the code is frozen since then. Now, documentation reviews, proofreading and final fixes are our top priority tasks. Along the way we have added additional features, such as NULL/NIL value support for the database layers of Xbase++. We have re-implemented parts of the OOP model of Xbase++ supplying adequate NoIVar and NoMethod support. Furthermore, we also have overhauled portions of the Xbase++ runtime kernel to strengthen its robustness."

An updated and complete list of Xbase++ 1.90 features can be found here (http://www.alaska-software.com/products/xpp/changes_v19.shtm).

General availability of Xbase++ 1.90 is anticipated for the third quarter 2005. Alaska Software likes to express its sincerest apologies for the delay! By the same token, we are confident that most of you consent to not only release a few new features, but also to have moved forward with respect to the product's underlying foundations. Each professional Xbase++ developer will definitively notice the difference once working with Xbase++ 1.90.

Moreover, we like to remind you that customer's who will purchase Xbase++ 1.82 today, will automatically obtain Version 1.90 free of charge. This way you would be receiving two versions of Xbase++ for the price of one! If you wish to renew your Subscription package, your subscription period will starts with the delivery of Xbase++ 1.90.

Once again, you may want to check out the detailed and updated component description for the Xbase++ 1.9 release.

So, once again ... anyone else out there using this?

Tempting, but chances of corporate approval is very low.

See also: ExBase
