Working With Fastidious People

last modified: March 15, 2012

Copied From UsingBagsForPrivacyPurposes:

You are over-focusing on what Rel calls "query data". It's a vocabulary-only victory, for Rel can still "leak" bags. It has multiple orifices and just because one doesn't leak bags doesn't mean they all don't. It's like putting all your guards at one gate and bragging about how well that ONE gate is protected. While technically true, it misses the bigger picture that your compound overall still has vulnerable spots to Attila the Bag. Fastidious people often over-focus on spot-victories over the bigger picture. I've worked for such people, and my dad is one, and I observed their successes and failures and the reasons for it: they don't balance competing needs very well because they "stick" to a few narrow factors and don't realize they are sticking. They can still be quite productive, but need to be managed by somebody who knows how to unstick them in a gracious manner when appropriate. -t

Good heavens! What's "query data", what is "over-focusing", why is it a bad thing (apparently) to be "over-focusing" on "query data" when Rel is a query language, and what does it mean to "leak" a bag? The rest seems to be a vaguely AdHominem rant.

I should re-write it to remove query-specific material. My apologies. -t

{It can leak XML too - it can leak trees - MySQL can leak out XML too - you're missing the point entirely. Any data can be leaked out to other formats.. an object can leak out to a database or leak out as XML - that doesn't change the fact that originally it was stored as something else. If you export your MySQL database as XML, this is very very different than if the database was actually based on XML for queries and for data input},

CategoryIdealism, CategoryEmployment
