Doing Stuff with Words ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20110325.20111002
The power of Words, Speech, Writing, and other expressions as used by an "average" human being.
- We can value concepts and ideas by describing how we think about them.
- The power in a language of the PrefixWord in making it possible to use a simple convention to extend or clarify the meaning of what it prefixes.
- That relatively short (less than 33) character words can by the use of prefixes be caused to include countless possibilities.
- A prefix can be thought of as a container holding other words, or PrefixedWords. (Thus we extend the power of description), all without using mathematics! If math and the concept of extensible expressions is included, the sky is the limit!
- This is what I consider to be Wiki's greatest strength. It makes it possible to create descriptions via the PrefixedWord making it equivalent to a Dictionary full of Dictionaries, full of Dictionaries, etc.
- Add in Abstractions, Objects and Instantiations, and othere manipulative methods and structures in a mechanical or AutomationMachine such as a Computer, and you have the UltimateComputerProgrammingLanguage. (UCPL) Extend it, and you have UCPL1+, .... ,UCPLn+. (grin). Then build the machine to have multiple cores Core2, Core4, Core16, ..., Cornnnn. (Double grin)
- We haven't yet considered the other end of the thing - SuffixedWords!