It's hard to talk about myself without feeling bitter --- sorry. I have a professional deal to strike in the world, and I will try to keep my personal matters quiet. The deal is, I'm basically working on the book of love with my PaperAI project, and _if_ my work turns out to be absolutely perfect to every reasonable expectation, _then_ I get to feel loved in proportion to that perfection. That's the deal the lord hit me with, and I'm in constant suspense to make it happen. Don't let me down.
I just got word about my project. I haven't seen anything directly, but this website I've been given suggests that my game was distributed to select people and it was played with great success. I myself didn't write the book of love, but normal people's responses have apparently been gathered into a compilation, which is sufficient to meet the Lord's demands. Now, I've got this deal working with Him that says I get to feel loved if I measured up, so get on it because I'm dead sick of this suspense.
Okay, still not feeling loved, which was the deal the lord made with me. I must not be good enough yet, or he's a pauper, which couldn't possibly be true. So, I'm going the extra mile yet again to get what I came for: I will do everything in my power to hook a woman into my slum-AI-world and to demonstrate how good friendship in the salty ocean _can_ be. We're still going to be dying of salt poisoning, but at least we will be nursing one another's wounds in one of the best ways possible. If _this_ works, since apparently nothing else has, then I expect to see some of that promised land shit they were talking about.
[I'm posting this to my walled garden to see what happens. I didn't finish it my game and scorecard are not included and there's supposed to be more text, but the main point is made.]
Author's Motivation
I have an insignificant ambition to be widely read, but I find that my desire to be subordinate trumps all. I would rather go unread pointing out the dark ways of common life than to appear appreciative of the way I and so many people have been treated. Plus, I've put in a wonderful scorecard and a great storytelling game which are taken to undermine some of the fundamental structures of common life and are hence not fit for a general audience. As such, read this at your own risk, trusting that I won't throw you overboard, I'll just rock the boat a little bit.
But my main motivation is not to reach you, but to put myself on the map, a small town that almost no one knows about. The point is to be respected by certain angel-lawyers who I am sure have been following me, so that I don't have to suffer the astonishingly violent throes of common America. Maybe they'll even make me happy. If it works, I'll take as many people with me as I can.
This book shares a number of observations about moral philosophy in common life. The basis of these observations is a mathematical plotting which reveals an excruciatingly primitive system in which commoners basically give Satan a written invitation to come have its way with us (I'll define evil as we go along). The first part if this book is an analysis of the primary institutions of morality in the common world like The Bible, The a Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States, and the ubiquitous media, and we'll take a look plotting the energies as we go. These sources in collected form were humorously referred to as 'our sun god' by the Onion. They are a highly centralized and unified voice in all important ways, such that it can be referred to as the state. Once the state has been sufficiently identified, I'll be able to show in the second part how it is active in common lives. I found an way to be maximally truthful about what's really out there (which is hard considering limits on privacy); I will step us through a number of self-made stories showing how deeply the sun god has penetrated my psyche, and to show hopefully that common life really is sufficiently as I say, deeply penetrated by the sun god too.
The initial identification of the state and its appearance thereafter in the stories will be held together by a consistent characterization of the state as though it speaks in formulas of mathematical logic. The symbols will properly look like some secret cult code, which is what I see. I hope the look of the math will demonize it a little bit which is my contribution to the democratic process.
Moral philosophy is a cage with iron bars. It is a system of cold metal doors in a zoo or a prison, in which organisms possess various degrees of freedom or lack of freedom.
Let me explain the acronym by looking at a frequent moral flashpoint. Humans are sexual beings for at least sections of their lives and the desire for sexual contact can be extremely strong. The important thing here is that the organism deeply wants to _impose_itself_ on others in a sexual way, bringing its energy out into the environment with a powerful urge. You can see an arrow running from the will within it outward into the world. There are many reasons why the organism has to be countered by an opposing will --- venereal disease, unwanted pregnancy, and what many people consider to be just the disgustingness of sexuality, as well as the constraint to successfully court the target first. These forces act like an arrow of will in the opposite direction, from the world into the organism.
Well, why not just give you my scorecard here? You can import the the IRON idea from this other context:
<scorecard> [Just imagine the math plane with the world's energy magnitude on the y axis, and the individual's energy magnitude on the x axis. They cross in four quadrants described below.]
When the organism's sexual impulses are balanced successfully against the opposing forces, all is harmonious and we call that an instance of Intelligence, the upper-right quadrant. When the organism's will overwhelms the opposing forces, it's an instance of Reality, the lower right quadrant. The opposing forces can completely overwhelm the organism in cases of Order, the upper left quadrant. Sometimes there are no moral energies at all, which is a case of relative Nothingness, the lower left quadrant. I.R.O.N.
In many cases, moral experience is a violent affair both mentally and physically. Needless to say, sexually induced neuroses are everywhere in the common world, and they happen because the Intelligence fails and Order and Reality conflict in ways that damage both sides of the fight. And it's iron far beyond sexuality of course. Like sexuality, law is supposed to be an Intelligent affair, but it frequently fails for the same reasons. It seems everywhere that the organism and the requirements of its environment clash far more than desired because it's too difficult to create Intelligent situations. (This is not to say that we should be more Intelligent since education itself is another moral battleground. I don't have anything to prescribe except perhaps an awareness of the inherent, often freakish imperfections in the common world. I hope this awareness will make you think twice about having kids just any place at any time. I can't imagine a book giving precise instructions in how to live morally because so much of it is a matter of style and taste which varies widely; so much of it is a matter of 'live and let live' such that taking much of a stand anywhere would bring people against one another or against me. However, I will say that best progenitors of morality in the common world have made a list in their minds (or even on paper) which correlates virtually every experience they are about to have with a prepared response. It's amazing that even the most complicated common lives can fit into one rich flow-chart-type concept --- it's amazing that the human mind is big enough to manage such a concept. These people move gracefully through the world unburdened by the need to improvise things on the spot. But realize that creating such a system is a major intellectual accomplishment that requires fine skills in a wide variety of areas --- there are simpler, perfectly adequate ways to go through the world.)
To enhance the iron picture a little bit we'll look at moral education through long periods of time. Simply put, Order is there at conception to begin working into the baby as soon as possible with a number of expectations that have nothing to do with individual characteristics. It is a simple one-way arrow, like this:
(O --> R)
This reads "Order dictates reality" or "Reality has to be what Order makes it." I left out some precision for artistry.
Similarly, the baby behaves with no conscious understanding of ethics, and it imposes itself freely upon the world with its own one way arrow in the opposite direction, like this:
(R --> O)
"Reality dictates Order."
As the baby grows into the world, ideally Order becomes more and more informed about who in particular it is dealing with. Similarly, the baby learns to adjust itself to moral constraints.
(O <--> R)
This reads "Order and Realty interplay."
Occasionally, real grace, talent, wisdom, beauty and style --- what we've called Intelligence interplays between Order and Reality like this:
(I <--> R <--> O <--> I) & N
This says that three forces interplay in moral philosophy in a context delineated by Nothingness surrounding it.
As we'll be spending a lot of time in abstract space, a visual will help, so picture a triangle with these vertices and these energies running along the sides. Now, perhaps you have seen these moral energies flying around from place to place appearing to have spacial qualities like a triangle. Try to imagine that anything in the world covered in any way by morality is one or more of these energetically vibrating triangles. You can see this in a sentence which flew into my mind "Come over to my house for tea" because the speaker is conscious of the hearers physical desire to have tea which is R over O, and there is O over R in the command to carry himself to another location --- and this sounds like an opportunity for Intelligence, a potential energy. The relationship between the speaker and hearer may not exist between the phone call ends for a period of Nothingness.
I'll take it back to the sun god discussion by imagining triangles large and small depending on their scope of relevance. The media tends to focus on things that concern us all which means that the triangles therein are very large. The United Nations would have the biggest and the triangles for USA, Colorado, Denver, authors current location, would be nested inside. You can picture a triangular fractal through which you can zoom in and out infinitely, and you can see how the top most energies bounce off of the lower most and vice versa, making it possible to learn about oneself in the news and to learn about the state by observing individuals. This fractal is what the designers of the pyramids had in mind, and the American dollar bill even shows an eye looking out from the pinnacle.
This structure is relatively stable most of the time, but all is in constant flux with dimensions growing and shrinking as a energies zip around. At the interpersonal level, many triangle-contexts can be in play at once, making it difficult to find a response. It's as though the triangles have a trajectory through time, and they crash and collide with one another in a very turbulent, mentally dangerous way. But on the whole, the smaller ones tend to reverberate within the confines of the larger ones for a top-down, state governed, functioning system.
Here are the rough guidelines for such a system. I have strong opinions about many of these items, like when God saw that the natural world was good, not to be messed with. That means that we and all the organisms that can feel pleasure should _not_ go to heaven right now, which I find utterly perverse. If we're really invested in what the given world is going to do, we can run it on a simulator and spend our time in perfect bliss instead.
The Bible
In the beginning, God created everything and saw that it was good.
Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden and God asked them, "What are you doing?"
Psalm 119
You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt lost its saltiness, how could it be made salty again?
The parable of the wheat. He knows the number of hairs in your head. He already knows what you need before you ask.
Important American Documents
The Constitution
"We the people . . . do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America."
s: the set of people in (1) l: the land later established as (1) a: the USA c: the constitution of (1) d: September 17, 1787
M: (1) is a member of (2). O: (1) do ordain (2). E: (1) establishes (2) for (3) at (4).
(x)(Mxsla & Oxca & Excaad)
This is powerful language intended to lift the state of nature people of the land under Britain up into a more civilized union. The violence of the revolutionary war had apparently brought (or left intact) the colonists' position of authority and power necessary to join the various militias and economies into one state. But it wouldn't have worked if the people, Reality, hadn't been somehow drawn into the Order prescribed by this this document. So they were determined to get the lofty 'consent of the governed' as they went along, primarily allowing ordinary people to vote for members of the the different branches and issues of national concern. This was their will to create a state of affairs with Intelligence. As with many governmental decisions, the business of countries outside of the USA was largely irrelevant --- Nothingness beyond --- as when our leaders ask "Should we care about the civil war in x? Does it affect us?" Of course this document turned out to encompass a large part of the world with great influence and power when the US grew to a certain point. Now nations beyond these borders frequently ask themselves before acting what the American energies are going to do.
1st Amendment to the Constitution
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of a religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government to a redress of grievances."
s: the set including respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; abridging the freedom of the press or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances c: the congress of (1) a: the USA
S: (1) should keep (2) true. M: (1) makes a law with (2) property. E: (1) is an element of (2).
(Ax)(Exs --> Sca{-Mcax},)
This is rather more on the side of nature as it lives and grows in its environments. Should it wish to believe and speak in certain ways, then it is hereby entitled to do so within certain liberal limits. That is to say that the intellectual and spiritual leanings of people which are sometimes deadly strong are to be given their liberty. With the natural world, which is still what America largely is, comes Satan (which can be roughly defined as any instance where Order and Reality clash without Intelligence) and we are to tolerate it, like we tolerate a history of slavery and a history of civil war about slavery. I would hope that the world will continue to develop so that these satanic things --- Order and a Reality get along _horribly_ in pretty much every place the light touches --- will _not_ exist anymore. Hopefully the times in which brutal conflicts are exploding day and night all over the world --- everything like that --- will be considered an old world condition soon. The next amendment gives us the right to own guns --- I don't know why a government would so freely welcome the devil when there's nothing in the laws of physics that makes him necessary. I think the basic idea might be respect for nature --- we (some people) can send an electromagnetic signal that kills (isolates or tortures or makes happy) all of the spiders and bed bugs to deal with some of the most disturbing beings on the planet; but we love the living things and we must preserve them in their natural habitats as far as possible. Same with humans --- "Okay, okay, it's a little evil, but we must respect their religions and natural ways in order to really love them." Is that attitude not effectively to love us to death?
The Media
"If they didn't have changing tables, would you change a baby in a restaurant at the table where you're seated?"
t: (1)s table at (2)
R: (1) is a restaurant. T: (1) has baby changing tables. C: (1) changes (2) at (3). B: (1) is a baby. W: (1) wonders whether (2) is okay. T: (1) should be true. S: (1) is a television talk show.
(Ex)(Sx & Wx{T[(y)(z)(Eu)(By & Rz & -Tz --> Cuytuz)]},)
Viewers at home were given enough time to think about this question themselves, given how obvious the answer is, and they are to have a little fun with it, not unlike playing a game. Because this question is analogous to the rest the moral situations we face, viewers are getting some practice in for the betterment of the world. It's clear then, that moral life is a matter of Order doing things like not having changing tables, and Reality responding in ways that are more or less challenging --- too challenging in the case of the person who 'had no choice' but to change the baby at the table. Intelligence would have been a kind of momentary negotiation in the parent's mind wherein the possibility of being more polite should have dawned. This is a lesson to all of us about getting along in common life where compromises are frequently necessary. Any one watching this show earnestly is to come away with a greater ability to do the polite thing when analogous circumstances occur. Incidentally, the responder said, "I'm not trying to protest the fact that they don't have changing tables. I would change the baby on the floor in the bathroom stall or in the car on the seat." Her response wasn't the more argumentative statement about what _all_ people should do, which is a typical move when trying to be friendly. And the idea of when and where to politically protest came up as a motive for action --- protesting being a normal state of affairs.
New York Times (online) October 2, 2014
"Health officials in Texas said Thursday that they have reached out to as many as 100 people who may have had contact --- either directly or indirectly --- with the Liberian man sick with the Ebola virus while he was contagious."
d: Thursday, October 2, 2014 t: Texas, USA s: the set of people who may have had contact directly or indirectly with (1) at (2). m: the Liberian man (in previous stories) n: 100
R: (1) reached out to (2) around (3). C: (1) was contagious at (2). S: (1) was sick at (2). E: (1) contains (2) elements. H: (1) is a health official in (2) at (3).
(Ex)(Ey)(Smx & Cmx & Hytd & Rysmx & Esmxn)
One of the unnerving things for me about most news stories is that they often don't really have a lot of moral weight. What I mean is, we can only assume that the Times thought that reaching out to the 100 people was a good move or a bad move, as it's just a story with no 'should' or 'shouldn't' of any kind. There is no celebration of the event, there is no emotional call for better technological means to trace the disease --- it's just the facts. Least of all, the entire situation --- the large number of hard working health workers, the ugly situation in Liberia where the Ebola virus was rampantly spreading --- is subtly assumed without any passion to be _normal_ in all ways except for this outbreak: common life is presented as a simple matter of fact with no detectable feeling. It's unnerving to me because there is so much suffering implied, not just from the disease, but in the every day lives of people, and I wish that the moral energies of this story were more loving and less like pure, cold steel all of the time.
But this story does contain a ray of hope. In writing, the journalist wanted to shed the necessary light on the situation so that people could direct their energies to solve a problem. That appears to be the intervention of Intelligence in the interplay of other forces for a constructive purpose. But there's also just a big, hole-like Nothingness --- total indifference --- to anything but the most extreme potential of a viral outbreak in America. Everything that isn't gloomy enough to be reported on one way or another is fine. I'm sitting here at the coffee shop feeling like so many others much less than happy, but that's hardly worthy to be called a natural disaster requiring the formation of huge governmental departments to permanently fix. The most you'll hear in the news is that my quandary is just a part of 'the human condition' --- it's the way it's supposed to be, the way it must be, the way it's always been.
The Onion (online) --- October 2, 2014
"Expressing concerns about the effects of medication on his brain, local man Aaron Stilner told reporters Wednesday that he's worried that the antidepressants his physician prescribed will leave traces of his original personality."
a: the antidepressants prescribed by (1) p: (1)s physician s: Aaron Stilner o: (1)s personality e: the effects of (1) on (2) b: (1)s brain
L: (1) is a local man. T: (1) will leave traces of (2). E: expressing concerns about (1), (2) worries that (3) will be true.
Ls & Eebss{Tapsos},
This is representative of The Onion's reporting. Their motto is 'Tu Stultus Es' which is Latin for 'You are stupid' and they are calling out Stilner in this report for having an absurd wish and expectation. Also typical of Onion stories, the reader is encouraged to have an opinion, always in the teacherly correction attitude, which in this case would be something like, "Aaron, you want to keep the best parts of you," and "Of course pills won't completely change you, idiot!" And we can read these stories as a prism for virtually every last moral issue, such that, typically speaking, problems tend to be the result of someone's faulty mind. The solution is The Onion and education is general, brining Intelligence to bear on the constant clashing between Order and Reality Most of the onion stories are darkly funny, and following the publication through the years, it's clear that they can comfortably say, "You are stupid" to a lot of people. But they still sell a pretty harsh philosophy. Most people will agree that truly being a smart person in the usual environments requires an enormous sacrifice of time and energy and that it's therefore okay to be a little dim. If lack of Intelligence is really what all of reported situations come down to, then we've got a long, difficult road ahead. There might be something of a governmental operation behind the scenes at this news source. Obama once hailed the Internet as providing us with 'a smarter government', and he may have meant between the lines that the private school graduates have a desired ruling superiority over the rest of people. It certainly is true that The Onion understands the way the normal world is and should be far better than the majority.
NPR --- October 3, 2014
"A photo of a beheaded journalist shows just how repulsive and barbaric these terrorists are."
P: (1) is a photo of (2). J: (1) is a journalist. B: (1) is beheaded. S: (1) shows (2). B: (1) is barbaric to (2) degree. R: (1) is repulsive to (2) degree. G: (1) is great (large, outstanding).
(Ex)(Ey)(Jy & By & Pxy & Sx{(Ez)(Biz & Riz & Gz)},)
ISIS, the Islamic States of Iraq and Syria, was an organization with lots of weaponry and violent intentions in those places who, amidst the insanity of the Arabian conflicts went to extremes. But because America had gone to Iraq with the expressed intention of nation-building, rhetoric like this was a shock to many people who were relieved that ISIS was at least a sign of life and hope. Why destroy what appears to be a civilization emerging from the ashes? President Obama's intentions to bomb those places (adding to a long list of astounding American violence in Iraq) seemed like the kind of thing that ISIS could reasonably hate, with the relatively tiny act of cutting off a journalist's head. When Obama's intention that the long-standing Iraqi and Syrian governments ought to be the future of government there, not a largely underground group, and when other nations in the region joined with him, I was at least relieved that there was a plan. However, this story is among the most atrocious things in the world both in mind --- a sickening level of pride in their voices for state-of-nature American justice --- and deed, with countless untold stories of atrocities on both sides.
Ethically speaking, we _will_ eventually get around to solving what is today apparently a trivial detail, but most people in those places who have been tortured and maimed did not at _any_point_ choose to be who they are. Their parents brought them into a world which was always, already there, which was imposed on those people at the moment of conception, very nearly pre-determining their fates. And they went to pick up stones and knives and guns not because they are bad people but because they had a will to survive, courtesy of biology, which left them with hardly any choice at all. In other words, children are not considered innocent, but must suffer for the _real_ guilty party, the state. That is a hugely problematic consequence of the struggle between Order and Reality.
Movie --- Ultraviolet --- Electronic Program Guide
"During a civil war between humans and a race of genetically-altered people called Hemophages, an infected woman battles against the totalitarian dictatorship and attempts to save a boy who may be carrying the cure in his blood."