This page is a subsection of WikiWikiSuggestions, which has been split due to being large. See also WikiWikiSuggestionsMedium and WikiWikiSuggestionsDifficult.
WHERE: Wiki Admin gets progressively increasing amounts of work....
- Create HTML as '<p>text</p><p>text</p>', rather than the current strange 'text<p></p>text<p></p>text', which looks pretty bad in (say) Opera 5, as well as being semantically wrong. This would be trickier than it at first appears (consider the effect on paragraphs separated by a horizontal rule). The problem with Opera 5 can probably be solved in a simpler way (inserting a space between <p> and </p>).
- Expires= field in wiki http header. Konqueror and mozilla won't update without refresh w/o this header.
- PreviewButton on edit page. This will allow us to finish our page without getting the cannot lock errors that have been happening a lot recently. See WikiSystemNotice. No more lock errors!
- Click on Wiki Logo links to FrontPage. -- DavidChess (or RecentChanges? -- FalkBruegmann)
- Seconded. This would be a valuable addition for newcomers. And easy to implement as well.
- Thirded for the same reasons. Since GoogleLovesWiki, every page is a potential entry point for a new user. Thus, it would be nice to get to one of the standard StartingPoints from any page. Linking the identifying icon to the web root (such as FrontPage) is an intuitive and commonly seen pattern that would make every page a GoodEntryPoint for new users. -- IanOsgood
- Use a ? before a WikiName to indicate a link rather than the existing rules. This would give us freedom to capitalize as we choose, and allow single words as links without a workaround. AnswerMe: Is there a page about this already? There's a suggestion on the page WikiSingleWordProblem. -- AndrewMartin
- Use an _ in a WikiName to take the place of a space. -- DaveHarris
- Change WikiName rules to allow WebWebX or ExtremeProgrammingCaseStudyA as WikiNames. -- MarnixKlooster
- Change WikiName rules to allow AWikiName and MoreThanAWikiName. -- StefanoCirolini
- For a WikiHiddenLink, use an @ before a WikiName to exclude that link from showing up in a search, chiefly when dealing with categories and topics. -- KatyMulvey
- An automagic PopularityOfCategories, category list sorted by number of pages using that category. Would encourage people to use the categories. -- RichardKulisz
- Am automagic MostEditedList - a means of determining (page) popularity would be handy when checking in irregularly! -- GeorgeDinwiddie
- An automagic list of MostLinkedToPages. "WikiIceberg points out that RecentChanges and the other entry points favour only new pages. This would act as a counter weight." -- FalkBruegmann
- An automagic TopAndBottomFive (rather than TopTen) -- DavidMcNicol
- The category CategoryEmpty could be added to pages as they're created (as well as the current "Describe <page name> here"), making it easier to locate dead links that seem to be live. -- KatyMulvey // Some of these can be found using ShortWikiPages.
- Link to RecentChanges at the bottom of QuickChanges.
- Link to FindPage button at the bottom of SearchResults. -- ChrisGarrod
- Link to TipsForBeginners on all pages.
- Make Search output numbered.
- Make fullSearch so entitled.
- ImprovingConvertSpacesToTabs -- If nothing else, make ConvertSpacesToTabs the default. (But it screws up code samples! - So how about converting the sequence ->| to a tab instead of doing this to poor innocent spaces?)
- add target="_CONTENT" to the anchor tags in QuickChanges. This would allow a Mozilla sidebar for QuickChanges where clicking on the link would open it in the main window. Currently a sidebar can be done, but clicking on a link opens that page in the sidebar area. Adding this property to the anchor tag does not affect normal browsing. -- StevenNewton (Unless you have a browser which doesn't understand _CONTENT [most of them]; in which case, the first link you click on will come up in another window, and subsequent links will come up in the same other window.)
- SearchesBasedOnHomePageFavorites
- Plural names suggestion, requiring a little help from the administrator. Since Wiki pages now kept as separate files on disk, it would be easy to set up one file as a symlink to the other. For example, UnitTest and UnitTests would both exist, but the latter would be just a symlink on disk to UnitTest. I tried this with my personal wiki and found it quite nice. Still working on how it might be implemented, but it should be possible to at least identify pages that differ only in a trailing 's' and have wiki create the soft link if it doesn't exist. -- StevenNewton
- After "EditPage using a smaller text area." has been used, provide "EditPage using a larger text area." instead.
- Make BackLinks search case sensitive (so FluBar and FlubAr would return different results). This would help when fixing redundant links.
- Include the changer id from RecentChanges in the QuickChanges listing. [Seconded by JeffGrigg. This is the main reason I never used QuickChanges.]
- Link to the PageHistory of a page from EditPage or maybe EditCopy page. Would make it faster, more accessible and easy to use. (From to for example.) Meanwhile, such a change can be done by a BookMarklet.
- Add size of page to QuickChanges/Edits and RecentChanges/Edits, as helpful information for a WikiGnome, so he can decide, whether he clicks on page or diff when evaluating changes (if the page is large clicking on diff will not help much often).
- Copy the note about the VisualTour often being broken from the VisualTour description page to the results page returned by the CGI script. -- DerekPeschel