Wiki Version Two

last modified: November 16, 2014

Wiki v2.0 is the task of raising the WikiWay over TheWikiPlateau into the next level. Noting that others have pronounced WikiIsDead and WikiSucks, I give you some tools to help raise wiki to its Ultimate incarnation: the GlassBeadGame

You may have thought that it was just a fiction, but no. It was a prophesy. It is our evolution of civilization once it has neared the EndOfGrowth.


What does it take to do that? Two things: PerItemVoting and UserRanking.

Then, to make this navigable, we'll need to make a ThreeDimensionalWiki. VisualPython plus PeerToPeer networking can accomplish that.

That will no doubt be an interesting experiment. I look forward to seeing the implementation and the results.

See CreativeEconomy, PerfectSystem, WikiStoneSociety, ExtendingTheWikiParadigm.

