Wiki Techniques
Wiki has a combination of Unique and Common Techniques which make it an effective IdeaSpace. Where Ideas, Opinions, Proposals, Pet Notions and Theories, and even a Sandbox for playing exist. It is a peer monitored and maintained space which is a microcosm of the space of which it is a part -- the Internet. Certain Techniques and features are part of wiki. Wiki can be said to be both a collection of pages and an experience. Using the same identifier: Wiki.
Here is a list of some of the useful techniques and features of a Wiki: Pages
- Easily created and maintained spaces which use the accessor of a Browser to View and Modify them.
- Naming mechanism which gives each page a unique WikiWord name which serves as a link as well
- AutomaticLinking -- Linking by using WikiWords to related or referenced ideas
- BackLinks -- Discovery by the WikiEngine of pages linking to the present page
- WantedPages -- Distiguishing between Links to pages which exist and to links to pages that do not.
By Users
- User Prepared lists and links
- Categories and Topics
- Patterns
- RoadMaps
By Wiki
- RecentChanges
- RecentEdits
- FindPage Search
- LikePages
- VisualTour
- Participants
- Authors and Refactorers
- Readers
- Refactorers
- Non-Participants
- Authors
- Significant Computer People
- Historically Significant People