Wiki Numbers

last modified: June 30, 2008

All right, try not to wet your pants laughing.

I'm trying to construct a calendar using wiki -- a WikiCalendar if you will.

I have puzzled over a variety of anti-intuitive naming systems that will allow years, month names, and day numbers to be represented with words.

Oh, yeah, and the data should sort properly.

Has anyone out there managed to concoct a (viable, sortable) way to represent numerical data in a wiki using no digits?

-- GarryHamilton

I doubt that it can be done. However, some wikis allow digits as well as letters in a pagename.

It is trivial if you allow digits. ChrisGarrod wrote this PacificTime 20040121.230805 -- look but don't laugh at I am still fleshing out some of these ideas -- Note that the Underscores above translate to .* on that wiki.
