CamelCase is the classical LinkPattern for Wikis, which still has lovers (e.g. as the author of this page) due to its simplicity.
What about other regular patterns?
There are four options for the UserScript s WikiFy to realize a
WikiWord, also called WikiLink in Debategraph.
C_Link (takes CamelCase as favored by SmallTalkers and WardCunningham ° the inventor of Wikis)
D_Link (takes double brackets as favored by Wikipedians)
U_Link (takes underscores which are favored by C, C++ people)
M-Link (takes "-" instead of "_ ", as preferred by Lisp-people ° )
See more on this in . Let's WikiFy.
I wrote the UserScript with incorporating a second link, marked by a circle, to point to a GoogleSearch for the linked WikiWord.