Wiki Is Not Your Notebook

last modified: November 15, 2004

A wiki can be your notebook, or your blog, or whatever you can dream up, but please don't use WardsWiki for that purpose.

We all have things we think are worth keeping a note of, possibly in some kind of LogBook, or maybe instructions for using a piece of software, or other aide-memoires. Wiki seems like the obvious resource to store your jottings in - but it is not. Creating pages that are of little value to anyone in the community bar yourself is abuse of the facility that the WikiWikiWeb's host, WardCunningham, has provided us with. If you simply have to have personal notes here, please keep them on your HomePage. You can do what you like there. If you need more space, why not set up a PersonalWiki? It's easy, fun and useful.

A ProgrammersNotebook is a valuable tool, and WikiAsProgrammersNotebook works well for many. StevenNewton, for example, created a PersonalWiki and has gained a lot of value from keeping random thoughts, things to remember, and his little tidbits of insight together in a searchable, linkable, private form.

See also WikiSquatting, WalledGarden, OffTopic.

CategoryWiki CategoryWikiIsNot
