Wiki Is Not Fair

last modified: December 8, 2009

Wiki is not designed to be fair, as it is collaboration software after all, and this means it is a tool that will serve the majority. So, if your opinion (or point of view) is a minority, be prepared to fight/lobby hard if you want it to survive in unfriendly times. The mood and tone of Wiki will change as so does the majority. So, if Wiki is unfair now, the winds may change in your favor in the near future. At any rate, it really is worth it to hang around now, even if it currently appears as though there is no hope of rising above the downtrodden minority. So, stay hopeful, be positive, and just maybe the winds will change in your favor for a spell someday soon!

You can always have an own section on a wikipage with you opinion. Only sites like Wikipedia have strict policies where the result of the majority will always be the outcome.

See WikiZensToleratingFlames
