Wiki For Literate Programming

last modified: September 1, 2010

My vision: using a wiki for code documentation, LiterateProgramming, etc.

I believe this needs to be a FilesystemBasedWiki.

The idea being that you would check out a source code tree from your version control tool - CVS or the like.

The tree would contain source code files, *.c, *.h, *.cpp, etc.

The tree might also contain wiki text files, *.wiki. (Give them a suffix to live well with Windows tools; possibly give them a #! file type so that they can live well with UNIX tools.)

Visiting a wiki text file with your web browser would format the wiki text, and provide editing abilities. WikiWord and free links using the usual [[non-wiki-word link syntax using double brackets]] would link in the directory containing the page; relative pathnames could be specified, probably requiring the extended syntax.

Non-browser based tools, e.g. a text editor, could be used to manipulate the wiki text files.

The wiki text files could link into the source files. Possibly might use an extended syntax to indicate grep or ctags/etags like mechanisms; possibly would allow anchors to be placed in comments in the text files.

Ideally, the text files could contain similar wiki links, possibly in comments; possibly WikiWord linking on program names, classes, etc.

I.e. a basic functionality available to anyone who can use a browser with file URLs. More functionality available to folks who have an IDE that can handle this.

Or, in some ways what I want is a poor man's wiki based IDE.

As I said above, I believe this needs to be a FilesystemBasedWiki. That page discusses how it might be implemented.

It might also be pleasant to make this into a CvsBasedWiki.

