About Wiki and WhatItWantsToBe ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20140226
Ward has expressed on many occasions the sentiment that wiki has evolved into a new paradigm which avoids many of the things that make WikiWorksNot. It can now become more valuable and flexible than ever before, thanks to the SmallestFederatedWiki. It encourages a higher contribution level of the Wikizen because of its WikiNature and the inclusion of and promotion of IndividualOwnership.
The new and gradually arriving internet is also in a state of RapidAdaptation where its artifacts will be reachable and purposefully maintained rendering the 404 message to be a thing of the past.
Gone are unwanted deletions, spam, grammar and spelling enthusiasm (except for out own), and senseless fabrications and garbage pages. Gone as well are fuzzy ideas of what is OnTopic, or OffTopic, relationships insisting on individual or peer group ideas of what belongs, what fits, and what you or I want to include within our collections.
Collaboration becomes cooperative, collective and preservative, and the level of competency and expertise is fitting that of the collector, and not to a perhaps more knowledgeable and competent collective.
The claiming sponsor and maintainer of a federation site may in the spirit and sense of NotBuiltInOneDay, may stop short of completion and put off until AnotherDay enhancements, additions, corrections and modifications which make a page and a site what its owner decides is WhatItWantsToBe.