Ok, let's try what was PostalChess, in a more wiki collaborative way.
Comments and consultations before a move is made are strongly encouraged.
See also: WikiChessGameOne (concluded)
Game two:
Contributed to white: x Contributed to black: y1, y2 Contributed to both: (mark with an x)
1 Ng1-f3
Flexible opening move awaits black's response.
y1: We, the folks with blacks, should be brave and advance in the center with 1 ... d5, unlike white who chooses to hide behind the bushes with insidious moves like 1. Nf3. Any one care to join? Depending on the style and personality of them we can try things like 1 ... c5, or 1... Nf6 monkeying at white.
y2: c6 is also possible - it leads to the Semi-Slav (similar to game 1).
y1: Maybe we can play first 1 ... d5 first and later Semi-Slav if we feel like it, but let's challenge the white to be brave, or if he continues to hide behind the bushes with g3 and the likes, we'll smash him in a dreadful attack. If we play first c6 and white's playing like 2.b3 or 2.g3 then our 1 ... c6 turns out not to be very useful.
y2: OK - d5 is the usual reply - let's do that, and perhaps follow it with d4.
1. ... d7-d5
Board position after above moves:
8 r n b q k b n r
7 p p p . p p p p
6 . . . . . . . .
5 . . . p . . . .
4 . . . . . . . .
3 . . . . . N . .
2 P P P P P P P P
1 R N B Q K B . R
a b c d e f g h
Looks good so far!
Yow. Am I the only one left who doesn't like algebraic chess notation?
Here you go:
1. N-KB3 P-Q4
- Oh, thanks, that I can read. Converts either to Reti or Queen's Gambit Declined.
hi folks,
cool, just seen this page!!
what about g2-g3? -karl (wiki-maniac:)... hope no-one knows swabian gmuend, the town where i live... cu, karl