See BookMarklet for explanation.
(1) Get Global Web Backlinks (not the local ones within this Wiki)
E.g. When being on Ward's homepage, let the bookmarklet replace the addressline: "" by ""
As nobody did this introductory sample, the initiator of this page feels obliged to supply it himself:
(a) Put the following text in the addressline of your browser:
(b) Save it in your browser's ("Favorites") link-list with the name "backlinks"
(c) When on an arbitrary Webpage, click on "backlinks" and you'll get all the backlinks as indexed by AltaVista.
If you know a SearchEngine with a richer index of backlinks, you may adapt this bookmarklet accordingly.
-- fp
google: javascript:Qr=location.href;location.href=''+escape(Qr)
Visit to generate your own Search Bookmarklets with the following bookmarklet:
and a userfriendly CGI-Programm at the bookmarklets site.
Here's an example of a cross-browser BookMarklet that allows you to recolor other people's pages with a web-safe color...
(a) Put the following text (copy it from the editing box) in the addressline of your browser:
javascript:G='';C='00,33,66,99,CC,FF'.split(',');m='margin';w='width=';h='height=';s='space=0';W=open(,'Color',w+756+','+h+126);H='<html><head><title>Color</title></head><body '+m+h+'0 '+m+w+'0 left'+m+'=0 top'+m+'=0><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>';for(r=0;r<6;r++){H+='<tr>';for(g=0;g<6;g++){for(b=0;b<6;b++){X='#'+C[r]+C[g]+C[b];H+='<td '+w+'17 '+h+'17 bgcolor='+X+'>';H+=('<img alt='+X+' h'+s+'v'+s+'border=0 '+w+'17 '+h+'17 src='+G+'>').link('javascript:opener.document.bgColor=\+X+'\';void(0)');H+='</td>';},},;H+='</tr>';},;H+='</table></body></html>';W.document.write(H);Q=setTimeout('W.close()',600000);void(0);// bgColor ... Copyright (c) 2002, by Richard Edwards.
(b) Save it in your browser's ("Favorites") link-list with the name "color(..)". Note: check the properties of what you've saved, and copy the bookmarklet text into the url field if necessary.
(c) When on an arbitrary web page, click on "color(..)" and you'll get a pop-up web-safe color selector which recolors the parent/opener page.
-- RichardEdwards. 310-847-5372. ACS.
In the above, I corrected the 612 x 102 sizes to 756 x 126. Despite the intention, this code seems to be somewhat browser-dependent.