Wiki At Thirty Thousand

last modified: May 19, 2011

One thousand and twenty days after WikiAtTwentyThousand pages, we have now surpassed the 30,000 pages mark. During that period, a fairly steady rate of 9.8 pages per day were created (net). During that period, we have seen the coming and going of hundreds if not thousands of participants.

In the future, we may be celebrating another landmark when we have WikiAtThirtyFiveThousand. If all goes well, we may observe that occasion as well. Many of the participants when Wiki was at 20 Thousand had a shared, optimistic view that Wiki was alive and well. It has successfully spawned hundreds of imitations, adaptations and clones and is the point of Genesis of a new wave of people who have found an instrument with which they may easily work together in collaboration. It has been a fixture in the WikiCommunity, Steady, Dependable, Persistent and Continuing, thanks to the vision and dedication of its creator WardCunningham and the many people who, throughout the years, have contributed to this success.

Is it 30000 pages we should celebrate, or 32768? -- GarethMcCaughan (On or about 10/25/2005)

Or 29809 (being pi^9)

We're too late for 28657, the 23rd Fibonacci number. Googling around idly for other things near 30000, I found mention of the following, utterly irrelevant but too nice to leave unmentioned: exp(pi)-pi is very close to an integer. Specifically, it's about 19.99909998; what a shame about that "0" in the middle. -- GarethMcCaughan

And completely independent of all this, e^(pi * sqrt(163)) ~ 262537412640768743.9999999999992

Why Celebrate 30000?

Successes should be recognized by celebrations. Those who celebrated 20000 pages will most certainly take note of this significant accomplishment by celebrating the surpassing of the 30000 page mark. It is remarkable that an idea such as Wiki should from such beginnings succeed in constructing 30000 pages utilizing only a few rules. Rules which although stated are not mandatory. It employs anyone who wants to modify, delete, support, expand, contend, and otherwise change the shape and meaning of any of its pages. (Why 30,000? - It is a real base 10 number with a single non-zero digit followed by lots of zeros).

Why Not Celebrate?

WikiIsTooBigToEdit. RefactorFasterDeleteMore.

WikiAtTwentyThousand | WikiAtThirtyFiveThousand | WikiAtFortyThousand

Contributors: DonaldNoyes GarethMcCaughan

