Can't sustain current request rate from site: your-site
Wiki compares the number of requests you have made to those made by others in the recent past. If a high percentage are from you, you will get this message from wiki instead of the desired result.
This is the early warning that you are about to be denied by the server self-protection logic (see WikiAccessDenied.) It is an easy way for me to tell if a person is aggressively reading or has launched a program against the site. If you retrieve 4000 of these and keep going, I assume you are a program.
This logic was added to the server in 1999. I've known only one person to trigger this logic, and he was reading aggressively during a very quiet period on Christmas eve.
If you get this message, stop reading for 10 minutes. If you keep getting it, it will just take longer to clear. If you want to download large parts of wiki all at once, look to WikiMirrors instead. If you find the mirror program insufficient, suggest how you can make that work better before complaining about this.
See MoreAboutWikiAccess.