Why We Hate Ruby

last modified: October 3, 2014

or PettyLittleRubyComplaints ...just following the WhyWeHate pattern.

Nobody really hates RubyLanguage...right? ...but only a close relationship exits as this reaction indicated.

look.ma no.parentheses!
excited.weenies.every do |weenie|


look.ma no.parentheses.and.no.pipes!
excited.weenies.every do with weenie
        // examples damaged by TabMunging


The only common superclass of True and False is Object.

you don't get a stacktrace when you hit a SystemStackError; how useful! You need to fall back to ugly and inconvenient trickery like: http://stackoverflow.com/a/21585967/520567

Lisp, SmallTalk, JavaScript, and Perl walked into a bar and had an orgy near Fukishima, giving birth to a 30-pound bi-gender baby named Ruby.

If Ruby docs frustrate the daylights out of you, as they do me, you might find my Ruby API Guide (http://mysite.verizon.net/hpassel/rubyguide/) helpful. Even though it has a ways to go, I find myself referring to it all the time. It's helping me a lot. -- ElizabethWiethoff


It suffer some of the pitfalls of Lisp, as described in GreatLispWar.

CategoryRant CategoryRuby
