Why Isnt Rebol Popular

last modified: April 1, 2014

RebolLanguage is an elegant, ultra-high-level multiplatform language. Why isn't it as popular as PerlLanguage or JavaLanguage? This is in my opinion why:

I assume you mean VID when you say REBOL/View; if so, what GUI dialect do you like better, or find more natural? As far as how series! values work, you can hate them if you want; I don't. What is your language of choice, and what are the things you like most about it? --Gregg Irwin

>> s: "I hate this approach"
== "I hate this approach"
>> s: next s
== " hate this approach"

But this 'I' isn't lost.

>> back s
== "I hate this approach"
>> s
== " hate this approach"
>> s: head s
== "I hate this approach" 

Of course, you can index the string

>> s/1
== #"I"

But you can't calculate the index in place.

>> s/(2 - 1)
** Syntax Error: Invalid path -- s/
** Near: (line 1) s/(2 - 1)
>> s/2 - 1
== #"^_"
>> i: 1
== 1
>> s/i
** Script Error: Invalid path value: i
** Near: s/i
>> s/:i
== #"I"

Advanced path notation, with evaluation, is something they're considering. I've never needed it, and I think it will open a can of worms in some respects, but I guess enough people want it that they're looking at it. --Gregg Irwin

Maybe because its name sounds like it is a rehashed version of COBOL? Then it should be extremely popular. Or does rehashing invert properties?

When CobolLanguage was popular, there wasn't much competition, and the competition wasn't very good at data processing. Nowadays we have all sorts of FreeSoftware languages that are good at "internet scripting". Whatever advantages RebolLanguage may have, they aren't worth using a proprietary language to get.

REBOL isn't a scripting language; not really. Sure, you can use it that way, and most of us today are using it as a scripting/programming language, and in that context it acquits itself remarkably well. Technical advantages aside, REBOL is an elegantly-designed language (no offense to messrs Wall, Van Rossum, Matsumoto, et al) that suits some people's taste very well. --Gregg Irwin
