Why Is It Called Extreme

last modified: October 24, 2007

Why is it called Extreme -- ThinkingOutLoud DonaldNoyes 20071020

If one is to apply Extreme Methodologies, it would be well to note in what way it is extreme and what advantage one might gain by its employment.

Some questions which might help in discovering why is it called Extreme:

Is it Extreme because it :

Some answers and developments:

It takes practices further than before

By analogy with the HistoryOfExtremeProgramming's "turn all the knobs to ten", perhaps a practice is extreme when you take it further than it's previously been practiced. For example, rather than working toward a handful of alpha and beta test milestones, you practice SmallReleases. Rather than integrate weekly, you practice ContinuousIntegration. Rather than periodic code reviews, you practice PairProgramming.

Indeed. An un-cited entry on Wikipedia suggests it's called "Extreme" because it "takes 'best practices' to extreme levels." See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extreme_Programming

It borrows the term from "Extreme Sports" to attract the young

My suspicion is that it borrowed "extreme" from the "extreme sports" movement as a buzzword gimmick to attract young people to the movement.

Naw. XP didn't just borrow from "extreme sports"; it is an extreme sport: http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Extreme_Programming.

The term has been so over used by marketing that it is rapidly loosing meaning. I saw an Extreme Toothpaste at the grocery store. The same store was holding and Extreme Sale (the mark-down was 25%. Now, maybe 25% was extreme for this particular store, but it certainly wasn't extreme in context of normal sales.) It is a term addopted by the X and/or Y Generations. They are the prime buyers, now, so marketers have gone overboard using the Extreme label to get their attention. -- BrucePennington

